Voting for amsterdreams homes

TL;DR – amsterdreams buys homes in Amsterdam, using the money brought in by all of you when you buy tokens. Which homes we buy is determined by the preferences of those same amsterdreams customers: we want to get homes you would want to live in. This is why we let you vote on many types of different homes.

No time to read? Head over to our houses website now:

How voting works

The homes that we make available for voting are taken from the current market. amsterdreams may not acquire the exact houses there: for example, they may be sold by the time the vote closes. But that’s ok; what the amsterdreams algorithms are trying to determine, is what kind of house is attractive to you.

For example, do new builds get more votes over 1930s homes? Which price range are you looking at? Downtown appartment or suburbian home with a garden and free parking out front? And so on. In other words, the results of the vote drive the purchasing behaviour of the amsterdreams buyers.

amsterdam houses with tulips

Why would I vote?

Two reasons, one or both of which can be interesting to you. One, if you would like to live in an amsterdreams home, of course we want to know what type of home to get for you. Two, if you are investing some of your savings in amsterdreams AMS tokens, you get to influence what kind of homes we buy to grow your investment. You may expect this-or-that up-and-coming neighbourhood to increase a lot in value in the coming years.

voting box

Who can vote?

Everyone can vote! The only thing we ask is that you create an amsterdreams account, which takes all of two minutes. If you don’t have an account yet, you may want one to get one to apply for homes that we’ve bought or get a return on your savings with AMS tokens.

We use your account information to link it to the number of AMS tokens you own. This process is anonymous, by the way. The idea is only that if you invest more in amsterdreams, we weigh your vote more. That’s only fair, right? You’re paying more for the homes we buy, after all.

Where can I vote?

You can see homes to vote for on our separate houses site, The selection of houses will change from time to time. Each house has a link to a polling page where you can vote for the home of your preference! Have fun 😊