amsterdreams is live on the blockchain

It happened in the very early morning of July 29. At 1:48 AM, Amsterdam time, the AMS token was added to the Ethereum blockchain. The essential building block, the foundation of living and investing in homes in Amsterdam, was laid. And due to the nature of secure blockchain technology, it will be there forever. For. Ever.

For those Ethereum whizz kids 🤓 out there, you can find the contract at this address: 0x571b265d8f61cd71e6ce54569dae6adbb1c5ebb9.

What is the AMS token?

AMS tokens are the pieces of Amsterdam you can buy. Rather than buying a whole house, you can put some of your savings into AMS tokens. As house prices in Amsterdram grow, so does the value of your tokens. If you want to know more, look no further than here.

When and how can I get AMS tokens?

The AMS tokens will go for sale on September 1, 12:00 PM (so at noon). You’ll be able to get them right from this website. It will look more or less like this – actually better, as our software developers are tweaking the page to look nicer.

The first two weeks, the AMS token will be available at a reduced rate! This was something that came back from our customer survey: respondents said they would be even more interested. Most people expected to buy between one and three tokens.

pie chart showing how many tokens people would buy

The price per token will start at 900 EUR, which is 10% lower than the nominal value of 1,000 EUR. Watch our newsletter or Facebook page to keep track of how the price will go up day by day until, on September 15, it will reach its normal value of 1,000 EUR.


Uniswap logo

Those blockchain experts we mentioned before probably figured it out already: there actually is a way you can get AMS today. A so-called liquidity pool was created on the Uniswap platform. This is one of the requirements to get the AMS token listed on various websites. We don’t want to promote it yet, but we’re all about transparency at amsterdreams, so we thought we would just come out and say it.

So if you really can’t wait, or swapping cryptocurrency for AMS is your preferred way to balance your investments, then you can find the pool here: .

A word to the wise

We put this bit of text at the bottom of every article on investing. Not in fine print and not because we have to. We want the best for you and don’t want to get you in trouble because you bought into something we said.
Investment comes with risk. Past returns do not guarantee future successes. amsterdreams provides you to the best of our ability with information to judge the risk and compare it to other ways of saving or investing, but we are human and we can also be wrong. Things could happen that we did not foresee.
You could lose part or all of your investment. So don’t invest money that you cannot afford to lose.